Crackers with Brazil Nuts, Cherries & Rosemary


This recipe makes two small tea loaves or 30 or so crackers, depending on thickness.


135g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
Small pinch of salt
27g brown sugar
250ml buttermilk
5ml vegetable oil
50g malt extract
125g dried cherries
135g nuts (we used brazil nuts)
1-2 tbsp dried rosemary
Butter or vegetable oil, for greasing


1. Heat oven to 180C. Add flour, baking soda, salt and brown sugar into a mixing bowl. Add buttermilk and oil, mix well. Add malt extract and mix well again. Tip in the dried cherries, nuts, and rosemary. Mix well.

3. Lightly grease two 13cm x 5cm mini loaf tins with vegetable oil or butter. Tip half of the batter into each loaf tin. Bake in the oven for about 35 minutes until golden brown on top. Turn the loaves out onto cooling rack and let cool completely.

4. To serve as tea loaf, cut into chunky slabs and serve with big mug of strong black tea.

5. To make the crackers, place the cooled loaves in an airtight box and chill for 3 – 4 hours. When ready to bake, heat oven to 150C. Line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper. Then, thinly slice the loaves (about 2mm to 4mm) with a serrated knife and place the sliced crackers on the baking tray. Bake in the hot oven for 15 min, then flip them over and bake for a further 1015 min until golden. Remove from the oven and let cool completely on a cooling rack before serving. You may have to this in batches.


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