Chia and Mango Dessert


Looking for a healthier desert? Looking for a tasty dessert? Then try this recipe - this dessert blends tasty chia and mango together and can be made very quickly - 5 - 10 minutes.


2 tbsp x chia seeds
100ml x coconut milk
100g x frozen mango pieces

for garnish:
sprinkle x coconut shavings
a few x mango pieces


1. Mix coconut milk and chia seeds well and let stand for 5 minutes.
2. Blend mango with a blender to get a smooth texture. If the blending proves to be difficult, add a dash of coconut milk to the blender.
3. Mix everything together by hand in a glass/bowl of your choice. Do not do this in a blender as you'll blend all the chia seeds, you want them tasty and whole.
4. Serve.

Optional: you can garnish this recipe with some mango pieces and shave some coconut on top.


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