Super Vegetable Salad


A very quick and delicious recipe for a work’s lunch or a simple lunch at home. It is very simple to make a delicious and healthy lunch. You don’t need to be a masterchef to make something healthy and tasty. Try this and see what you think.

This recipe serves one.


Handful of bean sprouts, sliced
Handful of thin pea pods, sliced
1/2 courgette, sliced
Handful of buckwheat, washed


- Boil buckwheat in a pan according to instructions (approx 10 mins until it softens). Drain and cover with a lid and let stand.
- Get a frying pan, add a dash of olive oil, heat it up on medium and add the vegetables in. Fry for 5 minutes until vegetables soften. Add salt and pepper or any other seasoning that you see fit during frying.
- Put buckwheat onto the plate and lay the veggies on top.
- That’s it. Enjoy!


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