Banana with Brown Rice


This is a perfect meal for babies 6 months and up. This recipe is naturally sweetened by roasting the bananas. Omit cinnamon, if baby is under 8 months old or has a known sensitivity. Please check with your doctor before introducing new foods.


1 cup cooked brown rice
2 bananas
1/2 tsp cinnamon, optional
Filtered water (or breast milk if preferred)


Preheat oven to 350°. Place bananas on a baking sheet (I cover mine with parchment). Place in oven and roast for 30 min.

Use a large scoop to remove the banana from the peel. Yes, that kind of looks like a big grub worm but I assure you it taste like honey and bananas.

Place the bananas, rice, and cinnamon (if using) in a food processor or blender for 1 to 2 min. Puree until smooth adding water a little at a time until you reach the right consistency for your baby. Use more water and puree for longer for the younger babies as they are still trying to get used to texture. Serve. This will keep in an air tight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

if over 1 year old, you can add organic raisins or honey, if wish.


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