Toum - Middle Eastern Garlic Paste


We are presenting garlic paste from Levantine cuisine, a condiment that finds it's way into just about anything savoury. Just keep a bowl of it in the fridge, it lasts ages and you'll be surprised how often and diversely you can use it for. Not only as a base for a dressing, as with fattoush but as a marinade for variety of meat, chicken or fish, also for beginnings of a tomato sauce for pasta… use it as often as you use garlic. If you're feeling a bit traditionalist and virtuous, you may want to use a pestle and mortar. it's going to be a lot of effort of course. But you can use less romantic way - a food processor but with much more of a practical approach. Use good local garlic.


150g peeled garlic
1 tsp sea salt
Juice of 2 lemons
3 cups light oil


1. Using a food processor, blend the garlic into a fine, fluffy paste.

2. Add a wee bit of lemon juice and blend in. With the motor running, add a thin, steady stream of oil into the mixture. It will thicken and emulsify. Alternate with the lemon juice and oil until both are used up. You'll be left with a thick, fluffy paste.

3. Transfer to a bowl, cover tightly and leave to mellow in the fridge for a day or so before using as you see fit.


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