Macedonian Bean Stew


Begin the day before you plan to cook this dish by soaking the beans overnight in a bowl of water. Do not add salt to the water at this stage, or when cooking - since this will cause the outer shell of the beans to toughen and prolonging cooking time. Then, when you’re ready to go, get all of your ingredients ready and chopped. Take care to dice the peppers especially small, as you’ll want them to virtually disappear and melt into the sauce later on. The beans are best served with a side salad and lots of fresh crusty bread. You can also even experiment with leftovers, making a kind of bruschetta by layering them on top of the bread and adding a dollop of quality olive oil.


1 lb cannellini beans, dry
2 onions, chopped
7 oz cherry tomatoes, halved
1 red and 1 green finger peppers, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
14 oz chorizo, sliced into about 1" pieces
1 tbsp paprika
1-2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp dried mint
1 tbsp parsley
Olive oil

Handful of parsley, chopped
Salt and pepper


Prepare the beans:
Soak beans in water overnight.
Boil the beans with onions, peppers, tomatoes and garlic until tender. This could take anywhere from 2-3 hours depending on the age of the beans. This step can also be done in a pressure cooker, taking around 1-1.5 h.

Prepare the sauce:
Heat a little olive oil (1 tbsp) in a large and deep saute pan or cooking pot.
Once hot, add sliced chorizo and stir to render off the fat.
Add paprika and flour, and stir vigorously to form a roux.

Combine the beans with the sauce:
Stir in the boiled beans including the liquid and aromatics.
Stir in dried mint and chopped parsley. Season with salt to taste.

Transfer everything to a baking dish.
Bake uncovered for an hour at 350F or 180C.

Allow to cool, at least for an hour or if you can wait until the next day, even better.Serve in the ceramic dish in which it was baked with a side salad and crusty bread.


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