Buckwheat and Brussel Sprouts Bacon Salad


Fancy a salad with some bacon and baby Brussel sprouts? A fantastic combination. Here's how to make it.


2 handfuls of buckwheat
1 small yellow/white onion, chopped
6 streaky bacon rashers
2 handfuls of small Brussel sprouts, chopped in half
2 medium tomatoes, diced into quarters
Dash of olive oil


- Boil buckwheat according to packet instructions. Keep it on the springier side rather than mushier. This should be approx. like this - bring water to boil, add buckwheat, add salt, boil for approx. 10 minutes.
- At the same time, bring out a frying pan, preheat it on medium heat, add a good dash of olive oil. Add Brussel sprouts and bacon and fry for a few minutes until they caramelise a little, then add onion and tomatoes, stir and fry for another minute or so until onion changes colour (more transparent/clear).
- Next drain buckwheat with a colander, add to plate, then on top add the mix from the frying pan.
- The result should be something like in the photo.

Wonderful way to have some healthy buckwheat!



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